AFBF Goals And Scope

AFBF Goals And Scope

Africa Food Basket Federation” is an initiative open to everyone concerned with the development of the African continent. Open intra-African trade for processed African products by setting up a solid transport infrastructure network (road, rail and air) which will then revive and facilitate the trade activities across Africa and increase the income of its citizens. Considering that poverty and food security are major challenges which undermine the development of Africa, we the founders hoping that the creation of this federation, Established in 2018 will be our contribution to promote and consolidate the economic interests of the people.


Provide a platform to exploit the opportunities for building a strong economic status of member states of the African Union (AU), through mobilization of funding, farming technologies and opening intra-Africa trade to all Africans.

Using renewable energy production system, waste management strategies and water resource recovery system in order to run the project effectively and efficiently

Establish AFBF Food Bank where the products can be stored and then distributed, through a structured system, whenever it is needed

25 Years Of Experience In Agriculture and Technology

About Us

We’re Dedicated to Organic Agriculture & Innovation

AFBF is a Non-Governmental Continental Federation and Incorporated in Chad, where AFBF has its Continental Head office for Africa.
Organization's Statistics

Why People Rely on Us as Best partners

Innovation and World Class Proven Technology into Poverty Eradication Strategies and benchmarking with Top World Economies. Including Comprehensive ICT Management Resource Integration Systems and Financial Management System.
Linking produce to the need zones
Healthy Foods

What We Provide For Projects

Our Team

Dr. Henry Abdo


Dr. Raymond Akiki

Chief Policy Officer
Board Member

Dr. Nael Al-Khleifat

Chief Strategy Officer
Board Member

Dr. Ossama Dimassi

Head of Product Development Division
Board Member

Eng. Madani Elgaily

Founder & President

H.E. CT. CHEV. Anthony C. Coleiro

Ambassador of AFBF to Malta

Ambassador Dr. Ali Mohammed Dukali

AFBF Ambassador to LIBYA